Um hvað fjallar “40 Days to Personal Revolution" námskeiðið?

Tímabil: 1. febrúar - 8. mars þriðjudaga kl. 19:30-21:00.
This revolutionary program developed by Baron Baptiste will take you on a 40-day journey to create something new in your physical body and life.
Over 40 days, you will be challenged to practice asana (physical yoga practice) and meditation daily. There will be excavating journal questions that are meant to poke, prod, and peel away layers of your existence that cover up your authentic, pure self. If losing weight is something you want to do, you will be given tools to help you examine your diet, and guide you to the changes that will
better align with your highest intention.
You will meet once a week with community members on the same journey as you where you will discuss your challenges and triumphs. The 40 Days program, and the community you do the program with, exists to empower and enable you in fulfilling the results and interests that are important to you, and in the process, will leave you transformed with vitality, freedom, and peace of mind.
Why 40 Days? The number 40 has significance in several ancient stories of transformation: Jesus wandered for forty days; Moses journeyed for forty years towards the holy land; Noah sailed his ark for forty days, and according to the Kabbalah, it takes forty days to ingrain a new way of being into our system. As Baron writes in the introduction to his book, “That is what we are aiming to do here: wipe out the old and welcome the new. In forty days, you can shift into a whole new way of living and being.”
Is this program unique to Iceland Power Yoga? No! Baptiste studios all across the WORLD are doing 40 Days to a Personal Revolution RIGHT NOW! Some start before us, some start a week or two after us, but you are a part of a bigger community who are all working to create a revolution in their mind and body!
Can I do this program if I’m brand new to yoga or meditation? Yes! This program starts small (20-minute yoga practices) and slowly builds in length so your body has a chance to adjust. You have the support of your 40 Days Facilitation Team and the other participants to guide you through the program as well.
We also start with small 5 minute meditation practices and slowly build up more time for meditation week by week. You will have access to digital meditations that will guide you each time you sit down to meditate.
What’s this about a Fruit Feast?!? The program prescribes a 3-day Fruit Feast in the middle of the program as an opportunity to reset and be mindful about what you put in your body. If eating only fruit for 3 days does not align with current dietary restrictions you have, we invite you to create your own 3-day challenge to partake in for those 3-days (no dairy, no grains, all juice, etc).
Do I need to buy/borrow the book? Yes - The book is not included! You can purchase the book online on Amazon or directly from the Baptiste Institute. We also sell the book in our store. Many prefer to purchase an e-book which is an option but you will need the book for the workshop.
What if I can’t make it to the kickoff meeting? The kickoff meeting (FYRSTI FUNDURINN) is designed to be a foundational session to prepare you to begin the program powerfully and informed. If you cannot make it to the kickoff, please let the teacher in charge know and he/she will touch base with you to get you started.
How do I get my yoga on? Yoga classes are included in the program for non-members. You will have full access to all in-studio classes! Practicing at home is always an option (we even provide digital classes to facilitate your home practice needs) but there is a certain energy to practicing amongst our community with other participants that can’t be beat!
When and where does the group meet? We meet every Tuesday at kl. 19:30-21:00 from 1. February - 8. March at Iceland Power Yoga, Holtasmári 1, 201 Kópavogur.
Have more questions? Send an e-mail to Inga Hrönn Kristjánsdóttir (Certified Baptiste Teacher and owner of Iceland Power yoga) is leading this program
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